I Am Angry, So Very Angry

There is no fire. There is no smoke. There is no proof. There is simply one sick man and his equally sick followers. If you voted for him you are complicit. If you voted for those in Congress that are throwing in with his allegations of fraud you are complicit. If you stood back silent you are complicit. If you declined to vote, or declined to vote for Biden, you are complicit.

Freedom is not free.

I am so angry that I am afraid to interact with those I know in my family and in my circle of friends and acquaintances that voted for him. I see their actions in giving him credibility, and worse, their vote, as the epitome of evil.

I know that I should sit with this energy until it passes, but today is not that day. The video that he released yesterday afternoon via Twitter for a short period of time before it was removed and his account frozen was vomit inducing. This is not about democracy, he is not about democracy. This is about something else altogether. 

My place of solace has been the daily writings of Boston College American historian Heather Cox Richardson which she releases late each evening. Take note of her name as she will likely be one of the individuals that captures this time in our history for perpetuity. 

Heather Cox Richardson's Letters From An American


  1. Well said. That clown should be removed from office. I cant even express my outrage at the members of Congress that still support that man. We cannot remain silent. We must all take a stand against this kind of appalling behavior. Thank you for your post.

    1. Diana, I think frequently of the quote by Edmund Burke, which I'm sure you've read or heard before, 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.' I substitute 'say' for 'do' as necessary. Clearly there are two America's, and both you and I know are in agreement as to which one we choose to live in.

  2. To 'Sue' - I've seen you trolling elsewhere, so please note that you are not welcome to do so here. Clearly we have nothing in common, so I would suggest you move along as any comments you attempt to leave here will be deleted.

  3. I think the whole world watched in amazement at the events that took place. If it were a film, we would say it was too far fetched, yet it is really happening over there. It seems incredible to us that he is able to encourage such actions and still remain in his position. Take care.

    1. There are 7 million more of us than there are Trump supporters, so please take heart in that. I say this to myself as much as to you, Debs, because it has been an awful week, and maintaining perspective has been difficult. Take care over there in the UK!

  4. Words fail to express how I've felt this week. . . it feels a lot like 9/11. When your belief & naivete in our government would actually pull through & do the right thing, and then, you realize that's entirely incorrect. We have a president that doesn't care a fig about the people he serves, just himself.

    1. I agree, HP, and I dislike putting up such a negative post, but I felt that I had to. It is simply to critical of a moment in our history for me to remain silent. I also realized that many of us are experiencing genuine grief as a result of January 6, which helps explain why my emotions have been all over the board.

      Take care of yourself these next two weeks. Hot baths, wine, sugar, whatever it takes! 😃
