Bathrooms Reveal (Part 1) plus a little of The Eagles


Two of our four bathrooms are now 100% complete, including all small little punch list items I needed remediated post-remodeling (electrical outlets repositioned slightly, painting, new towels put into place). The remaining two bathrooms are awaiting installation of new shower glass, which should occur within the next week.

Here is a before of our downstairs guest half bath (i.e., powder room) as it appeared when we first viewed the house in 2017:

Here is how is looked after we did a refresh upon moving in:

What we changed: New faucets, new hanging hardware, new mirror, new flooring, new paint, and we refaced the cabinet.

And here is how it looks now:

What changed: We removed the awkward and very low, wall-to-wall countertop and replaced it with silver quartz just above the cabinet. We installed a 36" tall cabinet, 5" taller than the previous cabinet, which allowed us to replace two very narrow and somewhat useless top side drawers with an enormous 9" deep roll out bottom drawer instead. We replaced the round sink with a rectangle sink. We also replaced the mirror (again) and the toilet. And with the low, wall-to-wall countertop removed, we were able to purchase a normal size toilet, instead of the super duper low toilet that previously existed. Our tall friends will be appreciative I am sure!

Also new are the hanging shelves and made-to-order prints, the later of which I ordered from a wonderful local artist, Emily of Jetty Home. Emily made the artwork for my family room, and I was so happy to have an opportunity to use her again. 

My goal was to avoid the powder room from feeling too beach-y, but still reflect our S. California coastal lifestyle, and I feel like I achieved that as evidenced by how happy the room makes me every single time I pass it.


And here is our prior upstairs hall bathroom at move-in, the one we call the Kid's Bathroom, because it has the only bathtub in the two upstairs bathrooms:

Here is how it looked after we refreshed it upon moving in:

We replaced the fixtures (faucets, medicine cabinet, towel rack, shower fixtures), replaced the flooring (it was carpeted . . . yikes!), and painted both the walls and the existing builder grade cabinets.

And here is how it looks now:

We refaced the cabinets, replaced the countertop with silver quartz, installed new sinks, retiled the shower/tub and replaced the solid glass mirror with two hanging round ones.

I had a little fun with this bathroom. I used a wave patterned white tile for the shower/tub, plus I had picked  out a lighted-hearted piece of art for hanging. This is the bathroom my granddaughters use when they visit, and I wanted it to feel very light and bright accordingly.

This room makes me happy as well!

And finally, just for fun, and at risk of considerable public humiliation, here is a short video I recorded yesterday during one of my guitar practice sessions. This would be me at the six month mark of learning to play on my own. Oh, and you'll note from the little of me that you can see, that I'm still in my PJ's, which I thought was perfect, because, COVID!


  1. Bravo! What a lovely voice you have - well done!
    Your makeover projects look great - makes me want to start a new project of my own. As we are confined to home, we may as well make the most of it!

    1. LOL! I am having so much fun with it! And thank you so much (blush, blush, blush).

      Honestly, I'm so exhausted from this remodeling project I may never do another. (Don't hold me to that, of course. 😄 )

  2. Thanks for sharing your playing and singing! Lovely to hear you and your remodels look beautiful.

    1. You are kind, thank you! When I listen to audio from my first month playing vs today, I’m pretty amazed by the progress. It’s hard to see in the moment! So maybe I’ll do this song again at a year and compare!

  3. Replies
    1. My mom was a professional singer, and though most of her amazing voice passed right by me, a tiny bit seems to have come my way, but only if I stay in a veeeery narrow range, LOL. And thank you very much. 😊

  4. Love both remodels! They look fantastic. Couldn't get the video to download, so will try again.

    1. So happy they are done! Just one more installation, the shower glass for the two master baths, and we can simply relax and enjoy.

      I would so love to hear how your son is doing with guitar because I think we may have started about the same time. He has youth, and more nimble fingers, on his side, so I would be very curious . . . I'll bet he got good fast!
