January In A Sentence A Day


1. A very welcome New Year's Day, which we kicked off with a 35 mile bike ride along the ocean with our daughter and her boyfriend, then back to sit out on their warm and sunny ocean viewing patio sipping champagne while they whipped up freshly made lobster mac and cheese . . . I was relieved to learn that the lobster had been purchased frozen when I saw it boiling away in their kitchen(!).

2. We loaded up our kayaks and headed to Newport Harbor to meet friends Ray and Dayna for a six mile paddle on another beautiful day, beaching our kayaks midway at Balboa Island in order to pick up To-Go burgers and, yum, truffle fries, from the delicious Snipe Island Crafthouse, then back home to wash down the kayaks, enjoy leftover Chinese food, and watch one episode of The Crown before falling into bed.

3. A 2:00 AM wakeup, oh boy, five to six hours of sleep seems to be my max these days, but did accomplish a lot as a result - de-cluttered the garage, weeded and trimmed the yard, ran a load of returns to Home Depot, read, made a new recipe for dinner -  but couldn't stay awake past 8:00 PM.

4.  Slept till 4:00 AM, a miracle, after experimenting with taking my HRT pills at night vs in the morning, 

,5.  Slept till 4:00 AM again, so, so far so good with regard to timing my HRT pills, 

6.  Enjoyed a beautiful 7 mile hike along the Bear Canyon Loop trail in Cleveland National Forest with my hiking group, a stop at decadent JD Flannels after for earned donuts (blueberry meyers lemon and cinnamon crumb) a phone call to let us know our new TrailManor travel trailer had arrived and was ready for pickup, then a beyond dismal rest of the day as we learned about the Capital being stormed by angry mobs.


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