Five Happy Things: Wind!


Every other week I will be listing five things that made me smile, laugh, or sigh in contentment. The hope is that by keeping track of and sharing them here each week, I will continue to focus on the good things in life, of which there are so many even if its metaphorically storming elsewhere.

Five Happy Things . . 

1.  The Ocean After A Storm.  We had S. California's version of a winter storm this week, accompanied by enormous amounts of wind. I love going down to the beach to see the subsequent effects on the ocean, and so as I was driving along Pacific Coast Highway yesterday on my way to the market, I swung into the free parking lot at Capo Beach to check things out. There weren't a lot of us there, because it was wildly windy, but those of us that were out there seemed united in our desire to stand at the edge of the parking lot's sandy bluff overlooking the pounding wind and waves, and take it all in for as long as we could.

I didn't last long - it was incredibly windy and cold - but it was still wonderful to take in even a few moments of nature's rawness and power.

2.  TV Fireplace Music.  I stumbled on YouTube crackling fireplace videos last year, and this year they've gone even farther by including music along with the sounds and sights of a crackling fireplace. Plus, no commercials once you get past the introduction ad. They range in length from 30 minutes up to ten hours, and they appear to come in pretty much every variety of music under the sun. My current favorite is either smooth jazz and a fire, or jazz sax with a fire. Just search for Fireplace Music when on the YouTube site (if on a computer) or the YouTube streaming channel (if on a TV).

What it looks like when streaming on our TV. You'll have to imagine the sound of the music playing over
 the crackling of the fire, jazz saxophone in this case.

3.  Reopening Of Restaurant Outdoor Dining.  Restaurant outdoor dining shut down in most of California on December 6 due to rising ICU patient rates, and even though we understood and were supportive, still, it has been missed. Thankfully, ICU capacity is improving and of of this past Monday we are no longer under the emergency order anywhere in the state, and restaurants can now reopen for outdoor dining. So on Sunday, the first projected good weather day after another storm rolls through here,this upcoming weekend we are to planning to visit a nearby brewery and enjoy some terrific local craft beer and food. 

4.  Reopening Of California Campgrounds And RV Parks.  Campground and RV parks were also closed during the recent emergency order, but they too can now reopen. And I wasted no time making RV reservations for next weekend at one of our very favorite places to visit, Malibu Beach RV Park. It's an easy 90 minute drive from our home, and we've booked an ocean view bluff site from which to not only enjoy miles of adjacent wilderness trails, but to also do a thorough test run of our new trailer's working parts - refrigerator, hot water heater, lighting system, stove, heater, and water pumping system. Also hopeful our best friends, who live nearby, will join us for hiking during one day of our visit.

Assuming no rain, this will be the view from our site.
We love it here, but only visit in the winter because prices are insane here otherwise.

5.  Our Last Two Bathroom Remodels Are Done.  We started this project at the discussion phase way back in August, and it finally finished with yesterday's installation of shower glass panels, so it's been quite the long haul. I shared photos of the two smaller bathrooms last week, so here are the before and afters for the remaining two.

Upstairs Guest Bedroom Bathroom Before  . . . 

Upstairs Guest Bedroom Bathroom After . . . 

Downstairs Master Bedroom Bath Before . . . 

We pulled down the drapes, and repainted everything upon move in, but still it was homely.
And that combo Roman tub & shower? Awful!

Downstairs Master Bedroom Bath After . . .

The teak bench is from AquaTeak, and we decided to do this vs a built in bench at the suggestion of our designer.
Right off the bat, it's so much softer and warmer than sitting on cold hard tile.
Plus I love that it's another bit of texture in the bathroom, and that it's moveable.

We love absolutely everything. There is now a rollout laundry hamper hidden behind one of the cabinet doors (lower middle) and the new cabinet tower on top of the countertops is wonderful. We now have more storage than we can use.


That's it for me at the moment. What's making you happy this week?


  1. The refurbishment projects look great! Isn't it amazing how different changing from a small tile to a large one can make? It looks so much more spacious now and I love the new units.
    Now. Sunshine. Sea. Restaurant meals outside. Weekends away. You lucky, lucky thing! I know we'll get there in the end but at the moment our extended lockdown is really dragging. Enjoy every single minute and take advantage of every single thing you can do!

    1. The me that loves pretty is very happy. 😊

      You may be aware that California is one of the most restrictive states in the USA with regard to COVID restrictions, so we feel comfortable returning to outdoor dining now that we are reopened for it, but only with tables for two. The meeting up with friends will need to remain in settings that allow for 6-10 feet of distancing. And RV'ing seems to me to be about as safe as it comes in that we are completely self contained. Our primary activities will be walking, biking, hiking and getting take out,so again I feel completely comfortable doing it at this time.

      And thank you for reminding me that each area is juggling their own restrictions, and just because we had some expansion of our restrictions doesn't mean everyone is there yet. Take care over there in the UK, Debs, and sending thoughts that your current surge will soon be on it's way downward!

  2. Beautiful renovations and beautiful photos of nature!

    1. Thank you Cindy! I hope you are enjoying a balmy winter in the South as well.

  3. Your new bathrooms are gorgeous. Great idea to list things that make you happy; your ocean photos look like what I see in my neighborhood, I live in northern coastal California. One thing I am happy about is that I got my first coronavirus vaccine. In the book Anxious for Nothing the author reminds us that worry and gratitude can not occupy us at the same moment, so keep those happy lists uppermost.

    1. Oh gosh, a great big congratulations on getting your first vaccine shot! I'm likely some months away, but at least my husband is now vaccinated.

      And thank you so much for your thoughtful comment about worry and gratitude. I am going to hunt down Anxious For Nothing and add it to my reading list. It sounds similar to a book that was life changing for me, that being the book The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle.
