10 Down, 10 To Go

I know you all are gonna want pictures, but for now I'm just posting a face shot I took in the car last week to send to my granddaughter. I labeled it 'Fancy Nana' in homage to her favorite storybook character and series, Fancy Nancy. I sent it because she rarely sees me dressed up when we chat on FaceTime, and I thought she'd enjoy it, but I like that it shows my face looking leaner than it has in a while:

With 10 pounds gone as of today, I'm feeling better about myself than I have in a while, but let me tell you that losing weight at this point in my life (age 58) is hard! I don't want to come off as discouraging for anyone out there that is struggling, plus my experience is mine, and not what anyone else may experience, but I have had to cut my calories significantly, in spite of my very active lifestyle, in order to effect weight loss.

For me, at 5'3", small build/bone structure, my calories need to stay at or below 1200 daily to result in any weight loss. I offset that by some additional calories for the days we hike or walk more than eight miles, by approximately half of what we burn, using a set standard of 100 calories burned per mile. So, for example, if we are going eight miles, I build in 400 extra calories. If we do 10 miles, I build in an extra 500 calories. And so on.

I am finding that drinking water in quantities of 4-6 cups a day alleviates a good amount of feeling hungry between meals. I'm also continuing to shun as much processed sugar as I can, primarily because I'm a sugar addict, and it's simply easier not to go there vs. trying to stop once I get started on it.

I'm also keeping a private online blog where I track my daily goals, and I am including an inspirational outfit photo each day depicting clothes and shoes I already own, but don't quite have the courage to assemble as shown until I lose the last 10 pounds.

Here is today's inspirational photo as an example. I already own every clothing piece shown, and I particularly love the wrapped jean jacket as a way of providing some additional 'bun' coverage. 😄

I'll update again once I lose an additional five pounds, and I'll share my starting and current weight at that time, because there's a numeric bar I want to break through before doing so.

It's a beautiful day here in S. California, and we're headed out shortly to meet friends for a beach walk followed by sushi outdoors. 

I hope you likewise make it a great day wherever you are!


  1. Go you! You have a lot of perseverance and self-control so you will get there.

    1. Or stubbornness, depending. I can't seem to give up, no matter what, whether it's kicking my sugar habit, losing weight, or keeping at my various pursuits (Spanish, guitar, stitchery). Plus, I live in the land of South OC, which is not a myth . . . thin, blonde, botoxed women everywhere!

  2. You look fabulous! Cindy in the South

  3. You really do look great. I understand you want to lose the last 10 pounds, but I bet those clothes would look cute right now!

    1. Goodness, thank you for the big boost Donna!

  4. Ten pounds makes such a difference - well done! Isn't it great when you try something on that was 'snug' and you find out it now fits perfectly!

    1. Ten more and I'll be back to 'it fits!' territory, but at least I've moved out of 'it hurts!' 😃

  5. You look great! I have quite a round face, so definitely notice weight loss there, and in the *ahem* chest. My clothes are also loser. I'm doing IF, which I'm finding to be both really effective & frankly less of a hassle than dickering around with food choices. I'm currently fasting on Monday/Wednesday/Friday. I don't eat after dinner the night before, and eat that evening. I'm not sure I have the right motivation/demeanor to go to bed hungry, so it was important for me to find a fasting "window" that allowed dinners every night. So far, it's working well.

    1. I do IF as well, HP, generally between 7PM and about 10-11AM the next day. As long as I get one filling meal a day, I generally don't get assailed by hunger. Still battling PM compulsions to snack, which has been a surprise. I knew I had a sugar issue, but once that faded after a few days of not indulging, a new compulsion popped up. Hoping it fades away soon as well!
