Currently 9/4/2020: Stereotyping Myself


I posted the above on Facebook earlier this week. Never, ever did I think the word 'Golfer' would become a part of my vocabulary in retirement. Words like World Traveler, Nomad, Hiker, Backpacker, Bicyclist, Kayaker, Runner, yes. But a stereotypical retiree Golfer? Nope. Not in my wildest dreams. 

So no one is more surprised than me that two lessons and four sessions at the driving range in, I am loving golf. I've heard it referred to as addictive umpteen times over the years, but I brushed that off as coming from 'sedentary' people. I know, I know, so, so judgy of me. But I was an 'active' person, not what I perceived as an 'inactive' golfing-type of person. 

Well, my bad, times about 100, because, surprise, this sport is challenging, physical and fun! 

My first private lesson was an interesting mix of 'hmmm' and 'huhhh???' Golf is technique combined with the brain. You need the technique, but then you need to get out of your head and let your body do what it knows to do. So initially, after learning the mechanics of a proper swing, I would quietly sing to myself in order to prevent overthinking the swing. And when that worked, and I connected properly with the ball, it was exhilarating!

This last week at the driving range, I began to get the action of allowing the hips to lead through the swing, and that was another exhilarating moment. And people, exhilarating is hard to come by currently!

We have two more private lessons to go, after which our instructor has assured us we will be ready to play a nine course round at a nearby course catering to beginners. I made a phone call to double check that this would indeed be the case, and that we wouldn't be chased off the course, and was told, yes, the course absolutely welcomes beginners. 

And should we end up gaining enough confidence to, just maybe, play a round on a 'real' course at some point, the place where we are taking our lessons is both nearby and pretty inexpensive to join at just $300 annually for two people. It's a lovely golf club with the usual 19th hole amenities (restaurant, bar, etc.) and social activities (currently on hold, of course), and it would be fun to join at some point if our golf skills continue to progress.

Otherwise, Currently I Am . . . 

Rejoicing  in feeling a bit closer to my pre-menopause self as a result of having started HRT a couple of weeks ago. I wrote this blog about my first week results, and week two has continued to show even more improvements. I really am thankful beyond words to feel my energy returning after four years or so of feeling like it was literally draining out of me. 

Moving  Since the HRT effects began to kick in, I have been outside and active every. single. day. We've been bicycling, kayaking, paddleboarding, sand walking, golfing, hiking, and doing yoga at the beach. Sometimes multiple activities on the same day. 

I don't think I have the words to describe how fabulous it is to feel energetic enough to pursue these activities day after day after years of feeling increasingly lethargic. Is 'miracle' to strong of a word???

We kayaked seven miles recently, and I felt strong through the entire event.
What a great feeling to have back in my arsenal!

Buying  The wall tiles for our upcoming bathrooms remodel. We're using 12"x 24" large white rectangular tiles in all three of the full bathrooms (no tile work in remaining powder room). We're using plain white tile with light gray grout in both master baths, with the wall tile being layed vertically in one bathroom and horizontally in the second, and in the third bathroom, the one we call the 'kids' bathroom, we are using this ocean wave pattern with off white grout. It makes me smile every time I look at it!

The shower flooring for both master baths will be in a white and gray marble pattern, same color scheme but different patterns for each area. The 'kids' bathroom is a shower/tub combo, so no shower flooring. And hence why I felt I could use the above ocean wave tile in it - it will be used from just the tub up, so not to overwhelming (hopefully).

I look forward to sharing photos once the project completes later this year!

Eating  this crazy delicious Tequila Key Lime Parfait, courtesy of my oldest daughter's talented boyfriend. He is an amazing chef, and it's almost getting to the point where I'm embarrassed to invite them over to our place for dinner. I'm a very good home cook, but he is in another league altogether.

Cooking  Crispy Baked Ravioli With Red Pepper & Mushroom Bolognese from Eating Well magazine. This magazine replaced my beloved Cooking Light when they stopped their monthly magazine in 2018, and it has not disappointed. The recipe was both easy and fun to make (the ravioli puffs up like pillows when baked) and absolutely delicious. I used cauliflower and lemon ravioli from Trader Joe's rather than the plain cheese ravioli called for in the recipe, and it worked out great, so don't be afraid to deviate from plain-Jane cheese ravioli.

I also used herbs from my garden - rosemary, oregano, thyme, parsley and basil - rather than the dry Italian Seasoning called for. Fresh is always better in my opinion.

Baking decadent Barefoot Contessa Raspberry Crumble Bars as our contribution to this month's meal for an Alternative Living Home our spiritual congregation helps to support. The folks there are sooo appreciative of anything homemade that it is a pleasure to bake on their behalf.

I've made the raspberry crumble bars many times over the years, and they are always delicious. And they freeze beautifully as well, which is where I generally place all leftovers immediately in order to lesson temptation. 😄

Hoping that the flurry of good news about the possibility of a vaccine by end of year is more fact than hype!


That's it currently over here. What's up currently where you are?


  1. Now that dessert looks amazing and sounds delicious! I also very much like the look of those raspberry crumble bars ...
    So pleased to hear that you are feeling much better so soon after starting your medication, you don't realise how bad you had been feeling until you start to feel better!

    1. The parfait was amazing, and he promised to send me the recipe. I'll be following up if he forgets, for sure! 😆

      still having issues with consistent sleep and ongoing hot flashes, but both have improved a good degree. The energy increase has been steady and consistent, so far, though, and that is the symptom I most wanted to see improved.

      We were out all morning doing yoga in the park, a beach walk, then errands, and here I am still looking forward to our Happy Hour and Dinner picnic at the harbor tonight. The 'old' me would have been to tired after such a busy morning!

  2. I used to love Cooking Light! Definitely my favorite cooking magazine. And, the ravioli look amazing. I'll give that a try some time.

    So very, very happy to hear that you are feeling better! What a wonderful turnaround for you.

    1. The sauce that goes with it is great as well. I don't care for how many articles are in Eating Well - just give me recipes, please -but everything I've made has been delicious.

      The HRT hasn't been constant upward trajectory, more like starts and stops, but the trend line feels definitely upward, so I continue to be very, very pleased.
