I Got A Haircut!

My last haircut was on March 10, three months and five days ago, as was hubby's. In desperation, I cut two inches off my hair myself, plus trimmed my bangs, and did my best to trim hubby's very forgiving wavy locks, both at the beginning of June.

We didn't end up looking horrible, particularly if we wore hats!

However, I've been avidly awaiting the outcome of the late May story about the two masked, but symptomatic hairdressers in Missouri that went to work anyway, exposing approximately 140 people in their salon to COVID. The story finally got updated a few days ago, and the great news is that as an apparent result of everybody involved wearing masks, there have been no additional COVID cases reported.

So I made hair appointments for me and hubby ASAP, and yesterday was the day.

What we did different as a result of COVID-19:
Washed and conditioned our hair at home to avoid having it done at the salon.
Wore masks.

What they did different as a result of COVID-19:
Took our temperatures at the door.
Allowed only one customer per stylist in to the salon at a time. All others waited outside until it was their turn.
Expanded salon operating days to seven per week, so that stylists could work their normal amount of hours, while still leaving every other hair station empty.
Wore masks.
Used freshly cleaned gowns,  brushes, and combs for every customer, no reuses whatsoever other than scissors, which were sterilized between customers.
As a result, it was a very pleasant and relaxing experience, very different from what I'd been expecting/fearing. And since I've elected not to continue highlighting my hair for the time being, I was out in a record 35 minutes, down from my normal two and a half hours per appointment.

Here is how my hair looks now:

It feels great to have shorter, trimmed hair, and I'm loving the no-highlights new natural growth so far, but I'm prepared to evaluate it again in a few more months.

It sure would be freeing to be done with coloring my hair, so fingers crossed for what's still to come.

And here's how my cute hubby looks now:

One more move back toward normalcy, and it does feel good.


  1. Glad you had a good experience and you both look great!

    1. It feels great, though we are not scheduled to go again for eight weeks. Baby steps!

  2. Oh lucky thing! I bet that felt good! We still have a while for hairdressers to reopen here in the UK, but I am seriously considering leaving the colouring for the time being, I'm embracing the grey better than I thought I would. Sounds like they had done all they could to make it a safe environment.

    1. I'm in one of the most conservative states, with regard to COVID-19 Shelter In Place provisions, here in the US, so we've been slow to reopen salons, and those that are had to meet a very long list of standards first. Still, not extending my stay indoors seems very prudent for now. I suspect I'll be in good company, in that I'm seeing gray grow outs all around me. 😆

  3. As required by our state licensing department, prospective hair stylists and barbers are educated on infectious diseases, skin conditions and the appropriate techniques for sanitizing their tools and work stations. I'm guessing that's true in other states, as well. Licensed stylists and barbers who follow the state's protocols were already sanitizing tools and work stations between customers prior to COVID-19. It will not be a stretch for this group to adhere to the additional measures required as a result of the pandemic. In fact, aside from those working in healthcare, hair stylists and barbers are probably the best equipped to deal with the new normal. And that's an opinion from the front lines - our daughter, a licensed barber, returned to work this week. I don't know who's happier, the barber or her clients. Your hair looks fabulous, Tamara - "natural" looks great on you!

    1. I'm sure it's a relief for both you and your daughter that she has been able to return to work. Hopefully masks are worn by all, without anyone giving her attitude. Hopefully they are instead thankful that she is there during an incredibly difficult time!

  4. You both look great! Glad to hear you had a pleasant and relaxing experience. It's a win-win when you spent less time in close contacts with the hairdresser and gained close to two hours to do other fun things.

    1. Less time in the hair salon is definitely a win, Natalie!
