Time To Say Goodbye . . .

Even though I'm not yet vaccinated***, life is picking up speed because most of our friends now are, as is my husband. As a result, I'm once again feeling the pull to turn my attentions elsewhere as our world begins to expand. So it's feeling like the right time to say goodbye to blogging for now.

***I'm getting vaccinated! I just learned that I qualify via my food pantry volunteering postion,  and will be getting my first shot this weekend. 

I will of course continue to visit those of you bloggers that I've come to consider friends over the years, and I'll continue to post on Instagram via WestCoastTamara. (As an FYI, I don't believe you need an account to view my photo posts, just if you wish to leave a comment.)

I'm also closing Comments down as I don't want anyone to feel obligated to leave a closing remark. 

I am ever so appreciative that this blog was available to share my thoughts and to reconnect with fellow bloggers as we all did our best to navigate this most difficult of times.

Here's to brighter days ahead for us all!

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