Losing My Holiday Mojo?

It is the day before Christmas Eve, and I am having a little pity party over here, the result of a small cascade of recent events. Prior to this week, as things began to come off the list of holiday do-ables due to the pandemic, I would search around for an equivalent replacement to keep myself feeling peppy, and managed to keep coming up with something in order to feel positive and forward facing. For example, though we would not have any festive indoor holiday restaurant celebrations with our local family as we normally do, we could instead haul out our warm coats and do it outdoors. But then restaurants went into takeout-only mode a couple of weeks ago, meaning all outdoor dining is now closed. Or, it's OK that we won't be going to any of the indoor holiday plays and concerts we normally do, we'll enjoy outdoor walking light tours instead. But then those got shuttered as well when restaurants were re-shut again this month. But that's still OK, because our remodel will be done, and we'll enjoy nesting back in to our now-even-prettier home. Sigh. Nope. The job is running over and the upcoming long holiday weekend will simply prolong the completion of the job.

And worst of all, we won't be seeing our granddaughters this holiday season other than via FaceTime.

So, yep, a bit of a pity party currently going on here with regard to Christmas, which I now simply want to be over so we can get this house finished up before New Year. Which, by the way, won't include a Rose Parade viewing from the comfort of our cozy family room as would normally occur. Sniff. Sniff.

So, it's clearly time to channel my inner Cher in Moonstruck and . . .  

LOL. So let me try again to focus on what is good, and what I am still able to look forward to.

  • We're going to spend Christmas Eve going on a bicycle ride along the coast, and we'll stop midway to enjoy egg salad sandwiches, our very favorite sack lunch. When we return home, we're going to spend the evening watching holiday movies, enjoying a butternut squash posole supper that will be slow cooking all day, plus warm homemade cookies and hot cocoa with peppermint schnapps for dessert.
  • On Christmas Day we will be going over to our oldest daughters, who lives directly across from Huntington Beach. We'll go for a walk along the beach, I'm bringing my guitar to play Christmas carols out on her balcony, and dinner should be lovely. I'm bringing over a pan of pumpkin/mushroom/bacon lasagna, and the boyfriend is contributing a warm spinach salad and bread, plus he's making something insane for dessert - mixed berry and lemon curd tarts with limoncello.
  • The rest of the weekend will be spent outdoors as much as possible, hiking and enjoying takeout lunches on both days.
  • And finally, Monday should be the beginning of the end of our remodel, meaning I can look forward to spending the New Year's holiday weekend cleaning and settling us back in to our downstairs bedroom. 

I saw this meme today and it made me laugh. I mean, seriously 2020 - don't let the door hit you on the way out!

How are you doing this holiday season?


  1. Love the Back to the Future meme! Enjoy your loved ones and the outdoors.

    1. I will, and you too, Juhli! I know we are so very fortunate in the grand scheme of things. 😊

    2. You just hit the proverbial nail on the head, Tamara. We've been having a Murphy's Law kind of Christmas season full of minor inconveniences. I've been pausing often to remind myself that everyone in our family is safe, healthy, and financially and emotionally stable - so very fortunate for sure. It sounds like you have some wonderful holiday plans in place - enjoy every minute! Best wishes for a merry Christmas to you and your family!

    3. I'm sure many of us are mourning the loss of normal just a bit more than usual right now, which is completely understandable. We just have to help each other get unstuck, and hope we all don't get stuck at the same time(!).

      Merry Christmas to you and yours Mary. I always appreciate your candor and positivity.

  2. It was almost 70 yesterday but then a cold front blew in and it is unseasonably cold now....yuk. I cooked, ham with fresh sweet potatoes and long carrots (I like to let them cook in the ham juice), mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, corn pudding, spinach dip, rolls, peanut butter fudge, and pumpkin pudding. I think your meal sounds healthier...lol.I made up very large trays, stuck them in pizza bags, and delivered to my youngest two sons, and relatives, who are about an hour and a half north of me. I am tired from all the cooking and round trip driving today. I will drive up and see my oldest on Monday, I am really excited!. It will be a socially distanced visit but so happy he appears to be doing well physically and slowly recovering. I am used to not having anything except hiking, swimming etc. because of living so rural, but I am also used to being able to drive to the beach several times a year for the day and that has not happened but once this year because of Covid. I am also not able to have my weekly lunch out with my middle son and that is a bummer. I drive up most Saturdays, preCovid, for lunch with him., That is my major social activity. plus, I quit playing the piano at church on Sundays because of Covid. I also cancelled four trips to fly to see granddaughter, so that makes me sad. On the very bright side, every one is alive and well. I know several people who have died of Covid, and multiple people who have had it and have been really ill. I know several who also had extremely mild cases. It is such a strange disease.

    1. All that cooking, oh my gosh! That is truly amazing, Cindy - you must have cooked for days! And how very fortunate are all the recipients of your efforts.

      All the stepping back we've all had to do from the people around us, particularly family, has been the hardest part of this pandemic. As social beings we literally need to be around people, and that will forever more be my takeaway. I hope your son who is in the midst of recovering continues to do so, and that you get to see your granddaughter very, very soon. Happy holidays to you and yours.

  3. I've spent a lot of time reminding myself that we are blessed, even during hard times. And, we are! But, change is hard, and particularly when you want to do social things & you can't. I'm so sorry - it's such a challenging time. Here's hoping you had a lovely and adapted Christmas!

    1. I got over my little slump, happily. The tile team showed up on Saturday (a happy surprise) and pretty much finished the job, so we are moved back into our downstairs bedroom and all is wel.

      Christmas Day was lovely here - close to 80 degrees at the beach. 😊

      Hoping you and yours had a lovely Oregon coast Christmas as well.
