Yes! Yes! YES!!!!!!!


YES, I know that it is slightly premature, however after four years of absolute insanity, I am taking and running with it. 

So here you go - per Wikipedia just now, since altered to remove President-elect reference, but which I trust will be returned shortly once the final counts are confirmed:

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (/ˈbaɪdən/ BY-dən; born November 20, 1942) is an American politician who is the President-elect of the United States, scheduled to assume office on January 20, 2021. He previously served as the 47th vice president of the United States in the Obama administration from 2009 to 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as United States Senator for Delaware from 1973 to 2009. 

Updated Saturday, November 7 - It's official! Joe Biden is has been elected, and will become our newest President in a couple of months. Until then, hang in there as I'm sure it's going to be a bumpy ride . . . 

Updated Sunday, November 8 - Last night's Biden/Harris win moment was an amazing, uplifting event. VP-elect Kamala Harris' beautiful speech set the tone for the night, and when she made reference to representing the future possibilities for little girls, and for people of color, I wept on behalf of my own beautiful granddaughters who are of mixed ethnicity, one half of which is brown. Their future now looks so much brighter than it did just one month ago. And President-elect Biden's speech was beyond magnificent. 

However, and this is a 'however' that I sincerely hope is not lost on Democrats - while this election was a resounding rejection of Donald Trump, it was clearly not a rejection of the Republican party per the seats they picked up in the Assembly, and the apparent lack of a Blue Wave in the Senate. I sincerely hope that the significance of that is not lost on the Democrats as they come together to determine how to move forward. At the top of that list of discussion points should be 'Compromise,' bolded and in caps.



  1. I agree but it’s not over yet although seeming like a confident assumption. Then we have to get through until Jan 20th without craziness causing havoc here and abroad. It has been an exhausting 4 years.

    1. It's now official! Celebrate then grab the popcorn, because we all know the outgoing POTUS won't exit with grace.

  2. I haven't yet had my moment of acceptance yet, because I'm for sure going to break down & need time to process the last four years, how it's felt & that feeling of a bit of normalcy, decorum, unification, kindness, etc. And, the first woman vice president. :-)

    1. I have been emotional for a week. I was in DC last week, and seeing young POC in line wearing masks on election day almost made me weep.

      But damn, we all deserve a moment today to celebrate because it's now official - Joe Biden will be the 46th president of the USA, and Kamala Harris the first female VP!

  3. Speaking as someone from overseas watching this unwrap over the days, I have to say that I am shocked by the behaviour of DT. This is the attitude of a petulant toddler! I hope that this does not cause unrest on the streets. It's hard for me to comment when it's not my country but I feel that JB will restore some of the respect that other countries have for your country. It certainly has been interesting to watch from afar! I suspect that the current occupant of the White House will not leave quietly or with dignity!

    1. Debs, I am deeply humbled at the degree to which the world has followed our elections. I am not entirely sure we are worthy of that attention at this moment in time, but we will hopefully earn that privilege back now that we are assured of a decent human taking up residency in the White House in 2021.

  4. It's like a huge weight has been lifted. I'm so happy. There will be champagne at our house tonight!

    1. Have any of us ever pondered and been thankful for the incredible wisdom of the checks and balances put into place by the framers of the Constitution as much as we have this past week? That they could foresee the challenges our nation might face over time, and crafted provisions to ensures it's protection, astounds me.

      Our democratic system worked, and I am thankful. But I am also enraged that it was put to such a test by no less than a sitting President. And regarding his supporters, both in 2016 and 2020? I have no words for them.
